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Our Blog Posts
Rockfield NS
GAA in the Junior Infant room
We are really trying hard to improve our GAA skills and making such good progress!
Rockfield NS
STEM boats
Each table picked a piece of paper out of a hat to find out what material their table would be using to make boats: the options were...
Rockfield NS
We spent a month learning all about exercise and sport. There are so many different sports and we all love doing different things! We...
Rockfield NS
Bird Feeders
Senior Infants made bird feeders using pipe cleaners, Cheerios and blueberries. We discovered that the birds loved the Cheerios but not a...
Rockfield NS
The Zoo
This has been one of our favourite things to learn about so far in Senior Infants. We watched videos from Dublin Zoo, showing us lots of...
Rockfield NS
Christmas in Senior Infants
We had great fun designing and making toys, like real life elves! We also loved wrapping presents and role playing in Santa's workshop to...
Rockfield NS
Assembly Time
Assembly time was amass with information and colourful presentations from rang 6, 5, 1, 3 & 4, Naíonáin Shinsearacha & Sóisearacha. Míle...
Rockfield NS
Confirmation Retreat
Another fantastic day was had at the Fr Peyton Centre today, this time by 6th Class. We had such an enjoyable day & were very lucky to...
Rockfield NS
Someone’s Watching👀
Animal eyes by 6th Class🐍🐸🐯🐆🦁🐢🦓
Rockfield NS
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud☁️🌼
Sixth Class interpreted this classic poem through these beautiful art pieces.
Rockfield NS
We have a dream💭
Sixth Class were inspired by Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' speech and created these beautiful printed dream catchers.
Rockfield NS
5th Class Confirmation Retreat
Thank you to all the staff at the Fr. Peyton Centre in Attymass for making our Confirmation Retreat so special. We had the best day...
Rockfield NS
Congratulations to our participants and wishing them the very best of luck today as they compete in this year's GAAmigos competition🌟
Rockfield NS
Internet Safety
Parents often admire how easily their children can use the Internet - but aren't quite sure of what they are doing or seeing. This...
Rockfield NS
Public Consultation on Draft Childminding Regulations
The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman has announced the launch of a public...
Rockfield NS
Explanation Writing ✍️
4th class worked extremely hard at producing excellent pieces of hand written/typed pieces of writing. They understood the 5 steps that...
Rockfield NS
Rockfield NS
Safer Internet Day
Today we are creating awareness in all schools of a better internet for ALL users and how to keep safe if online. Click on the image...
Rockfield NS
Rockfield NS
Lá Fhéile Bríde
Sixth Class have been busy making St Brigid's crosses. We had our crosses blessed at mass this morning. 'St Brigid's cross hung over the...
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