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Green Schools 2024/2025

Working Towards Our 8th Green Flag!


Our school is currently in the second year of working towards achieving our 8th Green Flag as part of the Green Schools programme. This year, our focus is on the theme “Global Citizenship Marine Environment,” building on our previous work in promoting environmental awareness and action.

The theme challenges us to explore the global impact of marine pollution and empowers us to find ways to reduce it in our own community. Our Green School Committee—made up of ten hardworking students from 2nd to 6th class—is leading the charge to ensure this initiative is implemented throughout the school.


Year One Achievements

  1. Slogan Competition:

    • Winner: Tara Coleman

    • “Keep the Ocean Crystal Blue, Boys and Girls it's up to you.”

  2. Action Days:

    • Sea Shore Safari: 3rd Class explored Aughris Strand, learning about the biodiversity of our local seashore.

    • River Walk Clean-Up: 4th Class participated in The Globe Programme, conducting a study of their local river and organizing a clean-up.

  3. Workshops on Energy & Climate Change:

    • SEAI Workshops: First, third, and sixth classes participated in workshops focused on saving energy and climate change.

  4. World Ocean Day 2024 Video:

    • With the help of Mr. McCarrick, we created an informative video about the Oceans of the World, showcasing our knowledge and commitment.


Plans for Year Two

This year, we are continuing to raise awareness and take action to reduce marine pollution, with exciting new activities planned:

  • More Action Days and beach trips to engage with our local marine environment.

  • Collaboration with local experts and organizations to expand our knowledge and impact.

  • Continued efforts to maintain progress across all previous Green Flag themes.


Aiming for Positive Change

As we work toward earning our 8th Green Flag, we hope to foster a lasting appreciation for the marine environment within our school community. Through hands-on learning, creative projects, and team effort, we aim to inspire everyone to take responsibility for protecting our oceans and waterways.

Together, we can make a difference! 🌊


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