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  • Writer's pictureRockfield NS

First Advent Assembly

We had a fabulous School Assembly today. The first purple candle (hope) was lit on the Advent Wreath and children from 6th class said some prayers.

4th Class showed everyone what they are learning in class at the moment about the counties, provinces and seas of Ireland. They recited the poem 'Counties of Ireland' . We had a fun quiz asking the other classes car registration plates from different counties!

1st Class spoke about the novel they are reading 'Care of Henry'. 1st and 2nd performed a song with Lámh signs.

The Student Council informed everyone about the sugar chart project they are working on. They also spoke about the two different bins in each classroom and what goes in each. They encouragesd everyone to bring their wrappers home to reduce the amount of rubbish going into the bins in school.


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